Membership in CVMA Hawaii is granted in accordance with the bylaws of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association. The below information is a general overview of basic requirements for membership. Please review Article 3 of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association bylaws for full information! Full Members Application Downloads
Any Person of Good Character who is a “Combat” Veteran of a Foreign War, who owns and operates Motorcycle of 500cc or above, and has been approved by the CVMA Board of Directors.
Valid motorcycle driver’s license endorsed by their state as well as proof of insurance for their motorcycle.
The ONLY Acceptable proof for membership to the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association is a copy of one’s DD 214 or ERB which must be surrendered to the Board of Directors for verification. Dues for CVMA members deployed in a war zone will be waived. Life Members Application Downloads
Any Person with 3-years active membership in the CVMA who is in good standing*, and has met the requirement of minimum participation of one sanctioned CVMA event per year – one of which must be a National meeting.
Valid motorcycle driver’s license endorsed by their state as well as proof of insurance for their motorcycle.
The term “Good Standing” shall be defined as any person who has fulfilled the requirements for membership in the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association, who is not currently under disciplinary review or probationary status for disciplinary reasons, who has paid the necessary dues and conformed to the requirements as set forth in the CVMA bylaws. Auxiliary Members Downloads Application
Any Person of Good Character, who is a spouse, widow or widower of a full member who is in good standing* with the CVMA, and must support the efforts of ALL branches of the United States of Americas Armed Forces and the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association.
The term “Good Standing” shall be defined as any person who has fulfilled the requirements for membership in the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association, who is not currently under disciplinary review or probationary status for disciplinary reasons, who has paid the necessary dues and conformed to the requirements as set forth in the CVMA bylaws. Support Members Application
Support membership is based on sponsorship from a CVMA Full Member and meeting CVMA bylaw criteria requirements. The support member must be of good character, who is a veteran of the United States Armed Forces, and who owns and operates a Motorcycle of 500cc or above.
Valid motorcycle driver’s license endorsed by their state as well as proof of insurance for their motorcycle.
The above information is an overview of general requirements and is not inclusive of all requirements for support members as set forth in the CVMA bylaws.